
Connect with the Community through Humboldt Service Learning and Academic Internship courses!

Service Learning and Academic Internship are unique and exciting ways to bring your education into action. Both Service Learning and Academic Internship courses will give you the extra, hands-on experience to prepare you for the next steps in your journey through higher education. By getting involved in this type of course work, you have the potential to positively impact our communite and explore and learn more about fileds that interest you. 

So, why get involved?

Not only does serving give you hands-on experience and exploration in future career paths, it offers additional options for deeper learning experiences via community involvement, along with the potential to be inspired!

Getting involved the community also fosters a deeper connection and relationship to our community. This type of student, faculty and community engagement creates a space for everyone to grow in their understanding of diverse cultures and communities. Together we can design our communities' values and beliefs in ways that are welcoming and inclusive to everyone.

How do I find these courses - where do I begin?

Courses offering can found in the Humboldt Course Catalogue and online Class Schedule

Most Service Learning classes can be identified by the "S" after the course number (i.e., SOC 201S - Social Issues and Action) with some newly piloting Service Learning courses not yet identified by the "S."

Academic Internship classes have the word "Internship" in the title, with the course number 482, 582, or 682 (i.e., Art 482 - Museum & Gallery Practices Internship). 

Be sure to check on your major requirements, visit academic department, and consult with your faculty or academic advisor to find the right course and community opportunities for you!

Student Testimonials:

Annie Jensen, who took Dr. Jianmin Zhong's Biology 482 Internship course, was able to gain valuable experience from the opportunity of shadowing from this community course. She was able to "talk to someone in the field you want to go into and see if it is something you want for your future."


How to find an internship guide: Internships vary widely depending on organizational opportunities, educational connections, and Cal Poly Humboldt department and program offerings. This document gathers a range of resources and places to search for internships. 

Reporting your placement in the S4 database: 

For students enrolled in Service Learning and Academic Internship Courses, your faculty will guide you reporting your placement in the S4 database. Below are resources to support you in reporting your placement and completing required forms.

PDF Guides: 

S4 tutorial videos
