• Tree in center of campus with drying fall leaves.

Welcome to the Center for Community Based Learning. Where classroom and community meet...

Every year Humboldt students engage in community programs and services through Service Learning and Academic Internship courses, as they apply their classroom studies to real community experiences and issues. The Center for Community Based Learning at Cal Poly Humboldt supports students and faculty involved in these courses, while coordinating hundreds of approved community learning sites, many of which are located right here in Humboldt County. Whether you are a student, a community member, or faculty on campus, we invite you to join the exciting work of these partnerships. 
CCBL offers Zoom and phone appointments for all constituents to assist with their current and emergent needs. To make an appointment, please email:

College Corps 2024/25

#CaliforniansForAll College Corps is pleased to announce the call for College Corps Applications for the academic year 2024-2025! Cal Poly Humboldt and the College of the Redwoods have been working with a variety of community nonprofit organizations in the areas of climate action, food insecurity, and K-12 education.  Each Fellow contributes up to 450 hours of community service while gaining personal and career skills and earning up to $10,000 in living stipends and educational awards. The Fellows’ time and talent help meet many of our community’s needs. If you are a local nonprofit or an undergraduate student, please go to our College Corps web page to be part of our third cohort for the academic year 2024-2025.

Our Three Core Goals:

  1. Engage college students in meaningful service opportunities that build leadership skills and civic responsibility.
  2. Help students from diverse backgrounds graduate college on time and with less debt.
  3. Support the work of community-based organizations focused on key local priorities.

Why should I get involved in community-based learning?

  • STUDENTS have the opportunity to apply academic concepts to real life scenarios, gain professional and personal skills and experience, enhance their resume and build their professional network. 
  • COMMUNITY PARTNERS have the opportunity to bring in diverse perspectives and energy into their agencies, receive assistance on programs and projects, build future stakeholders, and serve as mentors for emerging professionals...
  • FACULTY have the opportunity to build depth and relevance into course student learning objectives, make course readings come alive, network with professionals in the community, assist their students in preparing for life after graduation. 
CCBL Introduction Video – Check out just a little of what we do!

Research shows that community-based learning can: 

  • Help students deepen their understanding of their curriculum by connecting concepts to real world scenarios.
  • Increase student retention, success and commitment to their majors. 
  • Students with internships are more likely to find jobs faster and get paid more in their first year after college. 

Land Acknowledgement:

The staff of the Center for Community Based Learning acknowledge that the land on which Cal Poly Humboldt sits is Wiyot ancestral land, and Humboldt is the unceded territory and traditional ancestral homeland of the Indigenous nations: Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Tolowa, Wailaki, Wiyot, Yurok, and other original inhabitants of Humboldt County. We respect and share our gratitude to Indigenous communities. We thank and honor the original caretakers of this land that continues to be cherished and protected, as elders have instructed the young through generations. Please consider supporting and acknowledging tribal sovereignty with an honor tax contribution through www.honortax.org

Labor Acknowledgement:

Today we recognize and acknowledge the labor upon which our country, state, and institutions are built. Remember that our country is built on the labor of enslaved people who were kidnapped and brought to the US from the African Continent and recognize the continued contribution of their survivors. We acknowledge all immigrant labor, including voluntary, involuntary, and trafficked peoples who continue to serve within our labor force.

